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SBGG was established in 2001. The school has been serving primary education for approximately twenty years.

English as our medium of instruction. Other languages such as Bahasa Indonesia and/or Mandarin are taught as a second language and foreign language respectively.

There are some school bus services offered by third parties who have been serving as school-home transport for several years. Please contact front desk staff for further details.

Parents may drop-off their child at the main entrance according to the school arrival time. For security purposes, showing a student’s ID Pass is mandatory when picking up the student. Parents should notify the school if there is a special arrangement made regarding the pick up of the students.

Curriculum and Learning

SBGG’s curriculum is predominantly based on the Cambridge curriculum for English, Math and Science subjects. There are also subjects which are integrated with the National curriculum such as Bahasa Indonesia, PPKN and Moral Education. SBGG also establishes the cycle of ongoing curriculum development to ensure that our curriculum and teaching approach is current and responsive to the current student’s needs and global trends in education.

The teachers at SBGG are all Indonesian citizens. We grow our dedicated teaching staff through instructional coaching, teacher collaboration and external training to stay abreast of new ideas and understanding in the field.

Yes. To support further learning, some subjects require textbooks and activity books. In addition, students may also be given additional learning materials (in the form of notes, worksheets, etc) to supplement their learning.

Homework is intended to provide the students with the opportunity to do independent practice, skills reinforcement and research as well as to promote good time management and responsibility. The homework frequency, scope and complexity is adjusted based on the student’ grades and work load.

The religion subjects taught at SBGG are Moslem and Christian studies.

Yes, we are teaching mandatory national subjects such are: Bahasa Indonesia, PPKn and Moral Education (ME)

Bullying is considered as an aggressive behaviour in SBGG and is strongly discouraged. SBGG will take a measured disciplinary action for any proven bullies. Serious and repeated acts of bullies by any student will result in a serious disciplinary action. We also have school counsellors to guide and support the students with behavioural issues.


The class size approximately consists of 22-25 students.

For Primary 1-3: there are two teachers as homeroom teachers who are in charge of a class. For Primary 4-6, there will be a homeroom teacher in each class.

The students do not have to bring all books daily as the school provides a locker in which they can keep their books and worksheets.

SBGG is not applying a ranking system. However parents are welcomed to discuss their child’s progress with the homeroom teacher and respective subject teachers.

Yes, SBGG celebrates diversity in both culture and religion. Therefore, as a school community we celebrate some religious days such as Eid Ul Fitr, Christmas and Chinese New Year.

Security System

The safety of all school members, especially the students, is our priority. Parents or visitors are required to sign in and attain a visitor pass at the office before entering the building. An appointment should be made prior to a meeting with the principal, counsellors and teachers.

CCTV cameras are installed at the strategic locations including music room and IT room and sport hall.