Meiling Yona A. U. Ginting

On behalf of Sekolah Bina Gita Gemilang, I am delighted to welcome you to Sekolah Bina Gita Gemilang!

We are excited to welcome all of our students, especially those who are new to our school. As we start this school year, we are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure that each of our children are able to bring out their best potential. We are committed to nurture our students as  lifelong learners who possess creative and critical minds and uphold moral values. Our school motto ‘From Each His Best’ has inspired the whole school community to work hand in hand in order to provide guidance for our students to achieve the best version of themselves.  In SBGG, we complement our academic curriculum with our various Electives and Co-Curricular Activities. These help our students to be well-rounded and well-grounded individuals. Inquiry-based learning, updated teaching methodology and project based activities are also highlighted to ensure that they acquire the essential skills as 21st century citizens: critical thinkers, problem solvers, team players, effective leaders who uphold moral values and socially responsible citizens who understand their role as a part of the community.

 We recognize that to be successful in school, our students require the support from both from home and school. We strongly believe that a strong partnership between school and  parents will make a significant difference in our students’ education journey. As partners, we share the responsibilities for our children’s success and we also assure that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. Together we are confident that SBGG will continue to grow in spirit and we are excited about being part of the educational journey of every SBGG student. Our school utilizes the website, Instagram and Facebook as the communication channels connecting parents and school. Feel free to follow our social media so that you are able to receive school updates and various photos of our school events. We look forward to working closely with our students and parents, and to creating another productive and meaningful school year at SBGG. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any enquiries.


Meiling Yona A. U. Ginting
