

  1. To improve numerical fluency and knowledge of key mathematical concepts to make sense of numbers, patterns, shapes, measurements and data
  2. To develop a variety of mathematical skills, strategies and a way of thinking that will enable them to describe the world around them and play an active role in modern society
  3. To communicate solutions and ideas logically in spoken and written language using appropriate mathematical symbols, diagrams and representations
  4. To understand that IT provides a powerful way of communicating mathematics, one which is particularly important in an increasingly technological and digital world.


  1. Incorporate active learning in the classroom
    It engages students learning by thinking, playing games, discussing, investigating, reasoning and creating.
  2. Use the three-step teaching approach – concrete, representational, abstract (CRA)
    Students should firstly use objects to support them in understanding a new concept. In the next step learners transform the concrete model to a pictorial representation of the same concept. Finally, students are shown how the pictorial representations relate to conventional mathematics symbols and notations.
  3. Connect math concepts to everyday life
    Relating math with real life problems can make the subject matter less abstract and more engaging. This approach helps students understand its relevance and can lead to deeper comprehension, enabling them to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills to future scenarios.
  4. The use of mental calculations
    Strong mental arithmetic. enhances your problem-solving abilities and decision-making skills in various real-life situations.
  5. Integrate technology (IT) in Math lessons
    Integrating IT in Math lessons builds a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics while staying fun and engaging.